The Basement Specialist

If we could show you a way to get more space in your home, without the hassle of moving home would you be interested?

Do you really love where you are living now but want a few extra rooms?  One option is to move to a bigger house in the same neighbourhood, but you don’t want to pay the tax man 9% for the privilege of moving house.  Plus you know it will take ages to sell in this market.

Here is how we can help.....

We can add huge amounts of valuable space to your existing property by adding a bright and airy basement under any existing property. In most cases the value added to your property is far in excess of what the basement costs. 

Using the latest construction techniques we can free up more space for you than anybody else.  Typical projects will be finished in 3 to 4 months, plus we are experts at ensuring that that your neighbours don’t experience any side-effects.

Basement Finishing is our specialty. Turn your basement into something you and your family can really enjoy. Our skilled team of professionals can finish out your basement from start to finish, we do it all.